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About Us

Our story

We began our journey with the sole necessity of reimagining adornments. The concept for Musketeers, a company that redefines leather working and its potentiality, was well thought out and deliberate. Our founders, Salim and Marshad, together, worked to make classic leather items accessible and affordable to the general public. Salim, who is a self taught leather craftsman and artist, worked with Marshad to give the brand its distinctive identity. Their eye for details and compelling passion for the same have made Musketeers one of India's most well-recognized and respected leather brands. The need for quality products that focused on travel / travelers' needs was unresolved, and we took up that challenge ourselves. We set out to create travel-friendly, quality accessories that stayed beyond fashion trends and time with our central material, leather. Leather accessories possess a distinctive quality that only time can unfold. It is this peculiarity that makes Musketeer products stand out from the crowd . We consolidate the vintage aesthetics of leather with a utilitarian, classy design. At Musketeers, we forge a fusion of functional statement accessories with classic design.